JCAM's Aurora Dance Group hosts a weekend of friendship and fun through Japanese folk dance
The Hollow Man: JC artist looking for community feedback
Author Lynne Kutsukake explores the bustling art world of '70s Tokyo in The Art of Vanishing
LiterAsian writers festival spotlights the diverse voices of Pan-Asian authors
Canada and the Atom Bomb photo exhibition at Toronto City Hall
Treasures from the Nikkei National Museum: Sumitsubo belonging to Kenichi Maeno
A ladder across the globe: Collaborative project connects Canadian and Japanese artist
Taiko master Kiyoshi Nagata on 40 years of taiko
Kimiko's Pearl unites three Nikkei artists to tell Japanese Canadian story through ballet
Artist and author Keiko Honda on Accidental Blooms and plunging in the unknown
Mizuki Ogi (尾木水紀) is an intern at Nikkei Voice who is responsible for producing articles for the English and Japanese sections of the newspaper.
Mizuki has broad interests in sports, travel, culture, food, and history. Her major at Osaka University is Persian studies and she is eager to help Japan to build good relations with Middle Eastern countries in the future.
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